If your vehicle is in trouble and you have no idea what to do, seek for an emergency towing company so that it will be fixed as soon as possible. Although most towing companies nowadays have roadside assistance services, it is still best to bring your vehicle to a certain repair shop in order to fix the damages and make it functional again. Towing is a risky process that is why you have to keep in mind that you should choose a company that is equipped with durable equipment to transfer your vehicle safely. Good thing Captain Towing Dallas, TX is available in Dallas area. Whatever type of vehicle you have, you can always trust the company for their excellence, integrity and expertise.
24/7 Availability – Emergency Towing
We understand that vehicle outbreaks happen at any time of the day. That is why, in Captain Towing, roadside assistance and towing services can be availed 24 hours a day in 7 days a week. This round the clock availability is helpful to all the drivers and vehicle owners stuck in the roads of Dallas. They can easily approach the auto mechanics and technicians of the company in order to perform emergency towing as needed.
Excellent Auto Mechanics and Technicians
Of course, we ensure that our auto mechanics and technicians are excellent in any way. These individuals are not only expert in their field but they are also licensed to provide emergency towing. They have received their certifications and they have also undergone a lot of training and exposure in the past. No matter what kind of services you want to avail or the type of vehicle that needs to be towed, our auto mechanics and technicians can easily fix that. They are also quick to respond to any calls so you can be assured that they will arrive at your location in less than 30 minutes. Most importantly, Captain Towing is equipped with state of the art tools and equipments. Therefore, emergency towing is always done safely and securely.
Fixed Price and No Hidden Charges
At Captain Towing, hidden charges are not practiced. Our staffs do not ask more than the quoted price. They work with integrity and ensure that customers pay fixed prices in the kind of service they availed. As a company, we want to keep a long list of satisfied and happy customers that is why; we give fixed prices and no hidden charges at all.